TSMarkMail will shut down January 2019


An add-on for Google DriveTM Documents



Q: Why Do Externally Referenced Images Not Display in Email?

Certain email clients may require recipient's authorization to display images.

Q: Will my email display the same in all email clients?

Email should render in all latest versions of email clients which support HTML. However, it is advised to test emails in preferred email clients before sending in production.

Q: Does TSMarkMail work on all browsers?

TSMarkMail has primarily been tested on the Chrome browser but should work in the lastest versions of most popular browsers.


Q: I can't add markdown lists to my document. What's wrong?

Automatic bulleted and numbered list mode was added to Google Docs. This will cause a problem for markdown lists...so be sure to disable this feature before entering markdown content.

Q: Can I add more line spacing in rendered email?

Yes. Add one or more HTML <br> elements to the email content. See the Markdown Guide.

Q: Can I add HTML to markdown content?

Yes, but be aware that not all HTML elements may render as expected in email clients.

Q: Can I insert elements from the Google Document Insert menu into the document and have them render with markdown?

# Google Document "Insert" Element Rendered with Markdown?
1 Image Yes...see Image
2 Link No...to insert see Link
3 Equation No
4 Drawing No
5 Table No...to insert see Table
6 Comment No
7 Footnote No
8 Special Symbols Yes, although some symbols may not render <br> as expected in all email clients.
Test first!
9 Horizontal Line No...to insert see Horizontal Rule
10 Page Number No
11 Page Count No
12 Page Break No
13 Header No
14 Footer No
15 Bookmark No
16 Table of Contents No

Q: Can I format my content using the Google Document Format menu tools?

Yes, but Google Document formatting will not be rendered in email. Only formatting specified by markdown will render.

Q: I accidentally cleared the content of my document. Is there a way to retrieve it?

Yes. Click the Undo button on the Google Document Toolbar.

Undo Button


Q: What if I need to send to a large number of recipients?

Try a Google Group email address.

Q: Why is my recipient's address not showing in the drop down as I type in the TO, CC or BCC field?

TSMarkMail searches your Google Contacts by name only. Ensure that your recipient has an entry in your Google Contacts with one or more of the contact name fields populated. NOTE: Google Apps domain contacts may not display.

Q: Can I select a Contact Group from my Google Contacts for the TO, CC or BCC field?

No, only individual Google Contacts will display in the field drop down list. Try a Google Group email address instead.

Q: There is an Invalid Field error message in the sidebar when I try to send. What could be wrong?

Check email addresses for invalid entries. Also ensure that multiple entries are separated by a comma.

Q: My sent email format is not correct. What could be wrong?

There may be a format or spacing issue in the markdown. Please refer to the markdown guide.

Q: Is it possible to view document images in the email preview?

No, images included directly in the document will not show in the preview (although they will be included in the sent email). Externally referenced images will show in the preview however.


Google Document Add-ons are subject to daily quotas based upon the type of account accessing and running the add-on. (See the Quota Limits tab on the Google Apps Script Dashboard for more information.)

Following are Important daily quotas to keep in mind when using TSMarkMail:

# Important Quotas
1 Number of Email Recipients
2 Number of Email Recipients Per Message
3 Number of Email Recipients within Domain
4 Email Body Size
5 Number of Email Attachments Per Message
NOTE: Images "included" in Google Document count toward quota
6 Email Total Attachments Size
NOTE: Images "included" in Google Document count toward quota
7 Addon Maximum Execution Time quota

Receiving an Email Send Error?

An "Unable to Send Email" error may indicate you are encountering a quota limitation.

  • Wait for daily quotas to reset and try again!

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