TSMarkMail will shut down January 2019


An add-on for Google DriveTM Documents

Getting Started



Click to Install


Add-ons Get add-ons menu
  • Search for the TSMarkMail Add-on
TSMarkMail Logo


  • Click the + Free button to install
Install Button


  • Perform a one-time authorization.
Authorization Dialog 1
Authorization Dialog 2

Install Notes...

  • Subsequent use of TSMarkMail does not require additional installation or authorization.


  • Once TSMarkMail is installed, access the Google Document Add-ons > TSMarkMail > Start menu to open the sidebar.
TSMarkMail Sidebar
TSMarkMail Sidebar


  • Enter markdown email content in the Google Document. If you're unfamiliar with markdown, it's easy to get started with this guide.
Markdown in Google Doc

Markdown Format Caution...

  • Some markdown elements may not render as expected in all email clients...see the markdown guide

BEST PRACTICE: Test Emails Before Sending in Production!

Including Images...

Images can be included in two ways:

  1. Add images directly to the Google Document through the Insert > Image menu
  2. Add image markdown to reference externally hosted images

See the markdown guide for more information.


  • Fill in the TSMarkMail dialog and click Send
Send dialog
  • Example email view...
Email Example

Want to Preview Email Before Sending?

  • Click the Preview button.

Access Google Contacts

Contacts dropdown
  • A selection list of Google Contacts should appear automatically as you type a contact name into the TO, CC or BCC fields. There may be a slight delay as TSMarkMail searches for your contact. Please wait for the list to populate before making your selection.
  • TSMarkMail will search your Google Contacts by contact name only. See the FAQ page for more information.
  • Google Contacts selected from the dropdown are automatically comma separated.
    If entering an email address manually be sure to separate it from other entries by a comma.

Important Notes About Sending...

  • Wait for the Google Document to "Auto-Save" Before Sending
  • Quotas may apply when sending email...see the FAQ page
  • Be sure to include your own email address if you want to receive a copy of the email.


  • Additional TSMarkMail options can be found by clicking the Document Options... link in the sidebar.

Want to See an Example of TSMarkMail in Action?

  1. Click the Show example button.
  2. Follow the prompts to add example content to the current Google Document.
  3. Send a copy to yourself using TSMarkMail.
Markdown Example

Need to Clear the Current Document to Create Another Email?

  1. Click the Clear document button.
  2. Follow the prompts to clear current Google Document content.
Clear Document

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